How to Stop the Whinning and Tears When It Is Time to Go?

Updated on August 07, 2007
K.B. asks from Florence, SC
4 answers

My little boy is great. He is polite he helps so much with his little sister because he wants to. But yet if we are visiting or in the pool he will start crying with real tears and creaming like he was spanked or something. Usually I try talking to him first, then the conversation turns to something will be taken from him when we get home, then to spanking. I remember being a child and not wanting to leave others houses but this is almost everytime we go anywhere. I think he is testing me in front of others because he knows it is embaracing. if anyone has suggestions I would love to know. thanks

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So What Happened?

Thank you all so much for helping. You have made me realize that I have become soft on him ever since I have been out of work. I do threaten too much and let both of them get away with a lot. thank all of you very much for bringing me back to reality.

More Answers



answers from Columbia on

I had the completely opposite issue with my son...He didn't want to go to any place but HOME...He's coming around now...Try telling him ahead of time what's going to happen...i.e. "We're going to the pool, and after we dry off with our towels, we get to ride home in the car!"



answers from Columbia on

Have you tried letting him know about 5-10 minutes before hand about your plans to leave. That way it gives him a little warining to what is going to happen. (advice from my mom...) Kids have a hard time dealing with a sudden urgency of having to leave. They don't understand what is going by giving him a heads up it might help..Good luck!



answers from Macon on

I discovered early on with my daughter that I needed to talk to her before hand... She would get upset when it was time to leave, I'd give a little pop on the booty and in the car we would go. While she was still upset I explained to her that if that happens again it will be a long time before we go anywhere! The next time we went somewhere I reminded her of our "conversation" and the consequences of her acting up. About 20 before it was time to go I always let her know that it's almost time to go or clean up... then remind her again at about 10-5 minutes... "If you want to swing again, or slide now's the time to do it" And then when times up it's up! She may give me a frowny face... I remind her of just not coming at all, she may be a little pouty but thats it. I have also found if it's a friend that she is playing with setting up the next play date with her helps too...



answers from Augusta on

My 4 yr old is ALSO starting the tantrums...I think due to seeing his baby brother getting his way by crying b/c he cant yet speak so he thinks it will work for him too. I can also tell you that at their age they DEFINATELY know what their intentions are when there out in public and acting up. To bad for my son I have no shame in popping him in front of other people or taking him to the bathroom for a private spanking and crying session. It's gonna take a few times for them to catch on but believe me if their smart enough to think of ways to beat the punishment then they certainly know when their plans have failed.GL

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