Honey, if you have a baby and are a working mom and need to take an anti-depressant it sounds like you have a very full plate....why on earth are you considering adding to that? I love babies, but they are MUCH work and believe me when I tell you, 2 are not as easy as 1!! They are not always even similar in personalities, pregnancies and childbirth quite often are completely different with subsequent babies. You are feeling "much better now" you have to consider whether that is because you are just better OR is it because the meds are working? If you're determined to take yourself off the meds, do it for that reason, see how you feel once you're off and THEN decide if you can be happy without them and THEN decide if you want to add another child to your list of life things to take care of! I'm just trying to offer smart advice. Another child will NOT make anything easier now or ever, in fact each child adds more stress, worries and lack of $$$. Kids are expensive; take lots of time - and I mean FOREVER time, mine are grown now but they still need me....in a different way but you will always be MOM even when you're 50 and they're in their 20's married and with children. I just wanted to give you a different perspective. As for weaning off the meds, there is no "magical way". It is time consuming, you can't just stop, you have to slowly take it down. The reason for the different advice is that everyone has an opinion and they're all different. So are the patients. I've been on various meds and you need some serious alone time and help in order to get off, and it takes awhile. It's better to be able to have some stress free months to do this. You can expect headaches at the very least if you do it too fast. You can also regress and not realize what is happening until you are a pile of crying, sad unhappiness. Please take the advice of your docs and also see them regularly while your doing it. Best of luck to you!