I would recommend staying and getting yourself support from other strong women who can help you to get past the fairytale image of married life. Get in a bible based Church, if you are not ready for that type of committment then purchase this book called the five languages of love. Instill your values that you want in your husband in your son. No matter our beginning, with the right molding and encouragement, we can train our children to be the best we want for them. Cherish that love and innocence that your son still has for his dad. Prepare him now through day to day living to accept his father as he is. We are not perfect parents and we make mistakes, that doesn't mean we don't love them. Divorce doesn't solve problems, but creates them. If your husband is not out chasing skirts, boozing it in the clubs, beating you or your son, gambling, or placing anything else before the needs of the house, no an occassional beer or night out with the guys doesn't count, or too much tv or computer time either-because he is still home. We married women have to stick together and make it no matter what. We have good husbands, who may have missed mom's lesson on how to treat your wife, so she'll know you love her. Whatever the reason that we fell in lust with our spouses, they are ours for keeps. Check out the moments together for couples website, you might like it. If all else fails, emal me at ____@____.com. I check my email throughout the day.
Have a great day being married.