Hi A.,
I have also experienced what you are going through.I have had 4 children & all are different. I was able to put my first daughter to bed only in a vibrating papasan chair for the longest time, I then swithched to the playpen (we baught padding & made it her bed, next to ours) and bought a back massager to vibrate the bed & lull her to sleep in the playpen. That worked & then soon enough she did not need it anymore. I also made the mistake of (well I loved it, just hard to break) rocking her to sleep when she got to be about 18 months or so, that took 1 year to break. I loved the bonding time, hated the breaking time.
I also had twins, I understand the need to put them down and leave them. My twin daughter was easy, she just always went to sleep when I put her down. Her twin brother, well he was wayyyyyyy different. I had to rock him, pat him & beg him to sleep. But he only did this to me, not anyone else, so do not concerne yourself with daycare. I was so tired at one point (My husband travels 5 days out of the week) lacking days of sleep, that I actually could not stay up to pat his back one evening & left him to cry. He did for more than 1/2 hour, He was probably 12 weeks by then, and he fell asleep. The next night I tried to do it again, late in the evening/early morning when I fed him, I laid him down and let him cry it out. Mommies have to sleep tooooo!
So do what makes you comfortable and what you can with your own limitations. Your child will follow suit. Babies need and want that attention & if you have the ability give them all they need & want, do so, you can not spoil a baby!!!!! But remember it is not hurting them to cry it out a little. This age is so wonderful, I loved the holding & constant presence of thier little bodies, so enjoy as much of it as you can. You two are going to miss each other when you are at work, so take this time & drink in as much of your together time as you can. All other problems will work themselves out.
Enjoy your baby.
Good Luck