I feel your pain, my MIL ruined my triplets' sleep schedule from the first day she came to visit (and she stayed with us for two months). It took me FOREVER to get them on a routine and even now we still have some issues. I don't believe in the Cry It Out method - I can't afford to since one baby will and can wake up the other two.
I would suggest to try getting up earlier a little more each day until you're up at a more reasonable time - like around 8am? That way by 7 or 8 that evening she should be plenty tired and want to go to sleep.
Also, does she nap during the day? Mine are down to one nap a day and I never let it go for more than two hours and never ever past 3pm. If I do, I can never get them to bed by 8pm. If she's taking two naps, you might want to try and transition to one nap. If she rests too much during the day, she won't want to go to bed early.
As for sleeping in her own bed that's an added challenge but it can be done. If you're going to change her sleep pattern, then you need to get her into her own bed since it's not safe for her to sleep in your bed alone.
One trick I used and contine to use is the rocker chairs we bought our trio. Once they outgrew the papasan chairs, I needed something to put them in for some "down time" so I found these Newborn to Todder Rocker Chairs at BRU. In the evening, we have our milk and in the chair they go. As soon they drift off to sleep (if they won't go right to their crib or fuss), I gently pick them up and transfer them to their crib.
Another thing after 6pm in our house it's "quiet" time, the lights are softer and we start our routine for bed - the brushing the teeth, the pj's, diaper & milk, story time, things to help them settle down. You don't have to start that early with one, I do because there is three.