WAY to young for cry it out - in fact to make any kid cry it out ... thats a really really tough call to make
please visit www.askdrsears.com. he has very good info on sleep, and reasons NOT to cry it out.
just do what you gotta do. this is SO SO SO normal for a baby this age. she WILL be better later, but its more successful and peaceful if you trust your instincts and be responsive and loving NOW. around a year baby's cry will change from an urgent cry that NEEDS a response no matter how silly it seems, to a less of an urgent cry (unless something is really wrong)
you will only notice this change if you keep responding and connecting with your baby now.
everyone tells you how great their baby is, how well they sleep through the night... those people are either liars or are sleep training/cry it out which is the same as disconnecting from your child. in order to keep a trusting, connected relationship, you just need to keep responding to your baby. it WILL get better, but never easier, and sleep might never be the same again :P
im not going to lie to you and say that my son slept well. he didnt. but i wouldnt trade a single sleepless night for the peaceful, calm sleeper i have - he NEVER fights bedtime, he NEVER screams and cries to go to sleep, and at 2 years old, hes NEVER crawled out of his crib. my son is confident and trusting that if he really needs us we will come get him out of his bed, and tend to his needs. he sleeps in our room, in his bed, so he never has to get worked up at night before we get to them....
anyway, you have to trust yourself, and follow your heart... dont listen to baby trainers, dont even listen to me if it gives you a stomach ache, - you know whats best for your child. just do whats best, and what gets you all the most sleep!