Well, I'm confused. How does a 3 year old that is deaf communicate with you that she feels sick? That her tummy hurts? Or she has a headache? What about if she's hungry?
Why wouldn't you contact the local school district and find out about early start programs? If they have American Sign Language classes for you?
My friend has a deaf son. The day she found out he was deaf she went and found the sign language translator at the public school system and started lessons. She taught her son from day one. If she was talking to him she used sign language. She taught him signs every single day. By the time he was 3 he was conversing with her using sign language.
I don't mean to be rude or anything M., really, I don't. But you really need to start today with lessons for yourself and your whole family and be teaching these kids every single word out of your mouth.
Your child should already be in the public school system. From the day she turned 3 years old she qualifies for early start programs. I have a friend whose son is partially deaf. The day he turned 3 he started school across town in a special program. That teacher had the kids that have developmental disabilities like your kids. Not just kids with mental retardation or cognitive disabilities but physical ones too. This teacher is trained in many areas and almost every student has their own aid to work one on one with them.
But the time they start kindergarten they are ready for that education level and they are physically and mentally caught up and are able, with their interpreter or aid, to go to school alongside their peers.
It's a government program that every state should have. Check it out and get her enrolled in it today. She needs this so that she can be ready for school in a year and a half. Pre-K next year then starting Kindergarten. Don't set her up to be so far behind the other kids that they keep her in Pre-K for a couple of years then hold her back in Kindergarten too.
She deserves to be learning now. So does the baby.
You have resources M.. They are right there. If your local school district is so small they don't have resources for you then you need to check out surrounding towns. Find a children's hospital and find out what resources they have. Find your nearest deaf community groups. Find out what resources they have.