I think you are both grumpy and unhappy with how things went. So of course you took it out on each other. That's what married people tend to do! (unfortunately).
I, personally, am not an advocate of co-sleeping. We didn't do it and never really even considered it. In our household, it is vitally important that my spouse and I have some place where we are married people. It can be hard enough to transition from "mommy" to "wife/lover" mindset without having a squirming little one in the middle of the bed every night, and you have to be able to do that if you plan on having a successful marriage, imo. A successful marriage is a key to a successful family. If your marriage is a shambles everything else will be too. I don't think one of you routinely sleeping in another room sets the right tone for a solid marriage. Baby/toddler gets what he wants but one of YOU gets kicked out of your bed? Not in my house. I am not against co-sleeping for others if it is working for your family, and for some families it is just fine. But it doesn't sound like it is working for your family.
Does your husband ALWAYS complain about your snooze alarm? Mine doesn't like it when I hit the snooze button, but unless he is particularly grumpy (didn't sleep well to begin with) he wouldn't overreact like your husband sounds like did.
Did you and your husband have a discussion about co-sleeping or did it just sort of happen/evolve? Not sleeping well is a horrible way to live. Thankfully the first few months of a baby's life is "usually" the length of time that nighttime waking lasts, and not much longer. (not in every case of course, but generally speaking, kids are not still waking in the middle of the night at 10 months - a year old). You need sleep to function and maintain your sanity, and your patience. Sounds like lack of sleep is affecting your marriage in some subtle ways and some not so subtle ways.
Check in with your hubby and find out if he is agreeable to discussing a change in your bedtime habits. You guys need to be on the same page about what you are doing with this. Whatever you change (or don't), be sure that you are in agreement or at least agree on the compromise/trade-offs. Don't be afraid to try something different, since what you are doing isn't working for all of you. Yes, if you decide to move baby to his own room it will take some work on your parts... but if you make that decision, do it. ( It sounds like you wanted this for awhile already, but were too tired to get it to happen). Since hubby will be a part of that decision, he gets to help make it happen. Take turns, swap nights to accomplish walking little one back to his room, or whatever. But it will be a JOINT job. And when you get it done you will both sleep so much better and be able to love each other without all the grumpiness from disrupted sleep affecting setting you both off over little things.