We waited till my daughter was 9 to get hers out. I kept on hoping she would outgrow it and saw two drs when she was younger who said the same thing. I don't know what symptoms yours has but mine was constant sore throats her one side would be swollen so bad it would be more then half covering her throat, sleep apnea, and then it disrupted her speech since she was always talking with a sore throat and through her nose. I wish we would have done it while she was younger and saved her all that trouble. But yes a second opinion never hurts. Mine was pretty much out of it for a few days. The pain medicine keeps them pretty doped up and they need it! They told us to let her sleep, if she woke up in pain give it to her but when she woke up the second morning she was in tears so we woke her up the third and the forth night at the end of the dosage, you know how it says every 4-6 hours or whatever, we woke her up at 6 kwim? If the party was at Grandmas or something like that where she could lay on the couch we might have went but if it is out with other kids no way. I would plan on not going and if she is up to it go but be really careful to keep her resting as much as possible. She was still napping on and off and in a good amount of pain. Oh and they tell you a fever can come if they are dehydrated- believe them lol I thought I was doing a good job giving popsicles and ice chips but she got a fever the second day and the nurse told me melt what you gave her in a cup and you will see how little it was. The rest of the days I made her drink a little every 20 mins. You might try a spoon since yours is littler, make it a little fun. It did take her a good month before she could eat anything and cough without fear it would hurt. Remind her to chew chew and chew some more, any chunks really hurt mine. After she was scabed over she liked hard candy to help keep her throat wet, when it would be very dry is when it hurt the worst. Good Luck I know its scary but it's over before you know it.