My daughter is 13, in 8th grade.
She started her period this past summer (a few weeks after her birthday).
We bought some makeup after going to a professional makeup counter and letting them show her how to apply it properly. She wore it for a bit, but then stopped with pretty much all of it. She still doesn't wear any (at least not that I can tell) to school. LOTS of girls do. Mine isn't interested in that right now.
We live a long way from the school, so she has no option but to ride the bus unless I pick her up. She's on the bus for over an hour to get home. However, she has several friends who live within that same 2 mile radius you mention, and they walk home after school. I presume they walk together, unless one of them has an activity. Some are only children, at least one has an older sibling. So in 6th grade, there was an older sib to walk home with them if they weren't walking together with friends. Now, in 8th grade, THEY are the older kids. LOL
My daughter has walked home with them on a few occasions. To "go home with" one of them, or to work on homework until I picked her up later on or something. The moms always know that this is supposed to happen, and if the kids don't get home, there would be a phone call. My daughter also now has a cell phone, so she can call me if something changes with her plans or there is a problem.
Perhaps, with your daughter walking home, if she doesn't already have one by then, a cell phone might be an option for her for next year. My daughter texts me when she is dismissed from school that they are out and headed to so & so's house. And then again when they have arrived safely (on the days when she goes over to a friend's house and doesn't come directly home on the bus).
6th grade is middle school here, as well. And always was when I was growing up, too.
There may be more changes with OTHER kids than with your daughter. Don't be shocked by that. If your daughter isn't showing interest in makeup at this point, there's as good a chance as not that she still won't be much interested next year. From what I have observed, the kids that push that envelope, are the same kids who were pushing it in elementary school with their fashions in clothes/hair. If your daughter is still very much a "kid" then don't stress and worry too much. Support her in what SHE is COMFORTABLE with. And that may be mostly to maintain the status quo...
If she is the type to always try to "keep up with" the trendy kids, then look out. Makeup and pushing the limit clothes may not be far in the future.
Oh... and as far as shaving goes...
My daughter asked me about it this past summer. I told her that if it were ME, I would wait as long as I could to begin, b/c once you do it, you have to keep it up. And as it grows back in it is scratchy/stubbly, not the nice soft hairs she has now. She has blonde hair, so it isn't anywhere near as noticeable as for girls with dark hair. If your daughter has dark hair, prepare for this to be an issue sooner. If her hair is light, then she may not notice/think about it or care right away.
I told my daughter that when she WAS ready to start shaving, to let me know and I'd show her how, b/c you can cut yourself quite easily. I also bought her some lotion-type hair remover (like Nair or something, I don't even remember what kind, now), and suggested she maybe try that first, so that if she doesn't want to bother with the upkeep, that it will grow back in soft and not prickly.
She already shaves under her arms, but that is much less time/labor intensive than shaving legs.