J., you know your babies better than anyone else. If you feel they're just waking for comfort, then you do what you feel you need to do. Everyone is giving you THEIR advice. Their advice is what worked for them and their family...it's not for all of us. That's why there are so many different approaches to take. No one choice is the right one for us all. You're doing a wonderful job! You have twins and I can't imagine how difficult that must be. Yes, it could very well be a growth spurt. But growth spurts only last for a few days. If the waking goes on for more than a few nights, then you know it's because they can't get back to sleep themselves. If CIO is what you choose, that's your right...they're your children. I get that our culture is different than others, but this is the norm here. This is how we were all raised. And, having twins, a schedule is exactly what you need. You need to try to have both of those babies on the same schedule. If you don't, you'll become resentful at times and will get warn down. Again, take some of this advice with a grain of salt...afterall, it's just advice. Decide what is right for YOU and your family. Do what will make your life run smoother and what will make you a happier mom. You're doing GREAT!!!!