Toddlers should not have more than 24oz milk in a 24 hour period because it can cause a certain type of anemia caused by bleeding in the intestines. they require 6 servings of dairy per day to get the calcium and vitamin D they need. A serving is A) 4oz of milk, B) 4oz of yogurt, C) 1oz hard cheese (think cheddar and colby cheese), or D) 1/2 cup ice cream. I got a toddler food pyramid from my health unit in Mississippi when my daughter was that age, don't know if they have them around here or not.
As for the bottles with cereal, I gave dd one with cereal until about 15months, but I slowly weaned the cereal out of it...going from 1tsp per oz, to 3/4 then to 1/2 then none. Then I started the transition to nothing but sippy cups.
In theory, your one-year-olds diet and feeding schedule should be mostly like yours. He should eat breakfast, then a couple hours later he should have a snack, then an hour or two later have lunch, then a snack late-afternoon, then dinner and possibly a snack or a bottle before bed-time. I found with my daughter that if i gave her cheese and crackers or yogurt before bed time then that helped her reflux more than putting a liquid right before bed did.
M. and Amara (8/25/01--still on prevacid for reflux)