We had identical spending money after a huge blowup several years ago. This money was for EVERYTHING personal (lunches, clothes, subscriptions, girls/boys nights out, hobbies, hair cuts, etc.). Budget wise... we each got $100 every other week / $200 per month.
It was a huge change in our lives (for the better from my point of view) because he was screaming at me about how much money I was wasting on groceries ($600 a month set in stone budget), but come to find he was spending often $4,000 or MORE a MONTH on personal stuff. Yeah. Man who was dropping $1000 a week yelling at ME??? I think not.
The thing is... small purchases add up. He was spending $60-$100 a night afterwork at the bar. $20-$40 lunches every day at work. That alone was adding up t $1000 per week. Then add in new musical gear, his perpetual clothes shopping, etc... Oy vey.
But I had $600 a month for EVERYTHING. Around here, that's nothing. Milk alone was running me $60 a month.. And I was bargain shopping.
Budgeted things out, and he was very unhappy, but it got us back on a budget, and I finally got to start getting my hair cut / etc. It was a huge transition for him, though. Even $10 lunches at work = $200 a month. That precipitated another argument. There is no reason on god's green earth why it's only okay for one person to be eating food from home, but not okay for the other.
Now, though, mid divorce.... I'm in the red. STBXH let our bills go, and is fighting tooth and nail not to pay child support and maint... So I'm really struggling.