At that age, my daughter, who was always a good eater, was alternating bottle/solids/bottle/solids throughout the day. She'd wake in the morning, and have breakfast ( a healthy serving of baby cereal made with breastmilk or formula, a jar of baby food fruits sometimes two) and then a 6-8 oz bottle an hour or two later. Then lunch (2-1 servings of baby foods/pureed foods), bottle, dinner, bottle, and another one right before bed occasionally if she was up later than usual. We stopped night time feeding when she was 3 months old.
I went and did some research for you, and I found a WONDERFUL site that outlines how much your baby should be drinking, eating, and what she should be eating at 7 months. From my personal experience as a mother, a nanny, a teacher, and a psychologist, the site is right on target and outlines what your little ones' daily menu should look like. However, keep in mind that every baby is different, but your son should still rely heavily on breastmilk or formula. Keep in mind, too, that as he gets older, the amount of teeth he has will dictate more WHAT he will eat, not how much. Go visit this site:
Good luck and ENJOY introducing new foods to your little one!