How Much Should I Charge?

Updated on September 14, 2008
B.M. asks from Carol Stream, IL
7 answers

Need some advice on how much to charge for daycare. A friend asked me to pick up her 4 year-old from preschool and watch him for about 3 and ½ hours. The drive to and from preschool takes about 15 minutes and I feed her son lunch. I’m not the best at negotiating, so we really didn’t discuss price, (even though my husband kept telling me I should). Now she wants to pay me $4/hr and I want $5/hr. I told her I pay my high school sitters $5/hr. for one child and I’m pretty sure I’m going to be doing a better job than them. I’m not doing this for the money, but want to feel like I’m being paid what I’m worth. She said she was paying her previous daycare provider $4/hr., but they were watching her son for a longer period of time so it was more of a flat rate.

I think I’m letting my feelings about her influence my stand (probably why you shouldn’t watch your friends’ kids.) I feel she has a tendency to take advantage of people and she has let me down in the past on things she said she would do for me. I know she doesn’t make a lot of money because she is in retail, but on the other hand she always tells me about going out to eat and doing a lot of fun things that cost $$.

I’m willing to compromise at $4.50/hr, but would like some input about what people pay for daycare in this area or how much they charge.

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So What Happened?

Thanks for all the wonderful advice ladies! I decided I was going to stick with the $5/hr. However, my friend said she decided to go back to her previous sitter who will accept $4/hr. She was very gracious about the whole situation and did pay me $5/hr for the day I watched him. Typically, I would feel bad about not being able to help her out, but I feel very at peace with how the situation was resolved.

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answers from Chicago on

HI B.-

I would recommend charging by the day rather than hour. $20 half day. (I charge $25 / $50 full day). I only do hourly if it is not a regular child and very infrequent visits. This is your time, your home, your food, your gas, exposing your family to germs he brings in from his school. If she can't give you $5, let her go back to her previous sitter. Most people will not pick-up/drop off at pre-school for $4 hr. One week alone is probably a 1/2 tank of gas! Just think of all the times you will be going out into the rain/cold. You are worth more than $5.

I STRONGLY suggest you get into a contract if you are going to be watching her son, regardless of friendship. The good child care out there would ask this of her. Especially since you are friends-- just imagine, Sorry, I didn't have time to get to the bank, forgot checkbook, etc... It happens. Make sure you have a late fee in there. Also, about sick days, etc... I have a sample contract if you want it.

Just by reading your post it almost sounds like you are doing this because you are kind and wanting to be a good friend and help, and maybe she's in some sort of bind. It sounds like she may be the kind of person to take advantage. If I were you, I would highly re-consider turning your life upside down with such a big committment. Do you really want to drag your 2 yr. old outside when it's zero, or snowy, if you don't have to??? Especially if you are not needing to do it for income.

Good luck. I've been taken advantage of (by previous families) and neighbors, It just isn't worth it. Your time is valuable.


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answers from Chicago on

i pay a flat rate of 40
my friend has my daughter for 1 to 1 1/2 hours in the am before preschool then my carpool picks her up and drops her off and my friend has her for another 2-4 hours depending on my patient load at work
so its about 6-7 per hour and my daughter is almost 5 and self sufficient




answers from Chicago on

that is sticky, would you feel comfortable telling her that he needs to have his own lunch & snack packed every day. That way if she says that would be too difficult, then tell her if she wants you to provide lunch, would she mind raising the price to $5/hr.
good luck



answers from Chicago on

I do home daycare, and I would charge $30 for half day and $40 for a full day. You are spending $$ for lunches and gas and as a friend, should not be taken advantage of. If she doesn't agree, she isn't much of a friend. You are doing her a favor, but your time is valuable. Hope this helps.



answers from Chicago on

my friend watched our son for 4 hrs one day a week. We paid $10 an hr BECAUSE she was our friend and she brought her son over. It was about the same if we got daycare for that amount of time. $5 is certainly not asking much. We pay our 14 yr old $5 an hr for one kid and $7 for 2, and told that's the going rate, and that's what she charges. Our 17 yr old babysitter too who drives both ways. so $4 is low unless its totally maintance free.seriously. you feed HER son, that's gotta be worth an extra $1.



answers from Chicago on

You should check to see how much other daycares are charging in your area, and what all do that give the children that come to that daycare ie breakfast lunch snacks and also inquire about their cirrculum. My daughter daycare charges 215.00 a week but it's worth it.



answers from Chicago on

Who else could she get to drive to where her child's preschool to pick him up and watch him. You have complete control of this situation. Just say, I really can't afford to do this for anything less than $7/hr(unless you already told her $5). The big problem is just to feed the child is $$, gas to the school is $$$. You will probably lose money at $4/hr. Good luck- be strong- if she goes another route will you be out anything?

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