My son wasn't quit that bad, but he did prefer food. Try putting a quarter of a packet of carnation instant breakfast vanilla in her milk. It will help her to get the nutrients that she may be missing with her picking at food too.
my 9 month old baby girl has never been a big milk drinker.. she was breastfed until recently... she is still only taking 3 oz bottles..the pediatrician said that she should be gettin 24-32 oz of milk -- I doubt that she gets more than 16 oz a day.. she does like baby food and finger food but I cant get her to drink more than 3 oz at a time.. does anyone else have a baby taht prefers food to milk??
My son wasn't quit that bad, but he did prefer food. Try putting a quarter of a packet of carnation instant breakfast vanilla in her milk. It will help her to get the nutrients that she may be missing with her picking at food too.
My oldest daughter, now 6, was the same way. I stopped breastfeeding at 7 months and started giving her yogurt, and also giving her oatmeal (the adult instant kind with fruity flavors). She would sit and eat two containers of yogurt at a time; she just loved the stuff. And the oatmeal she ate every morning until she was almost 4 years old. I made her instant oatmeal with milk so I was able to sneak in a little there. So I wasn't as worried about her milk intake since she was getting the yogurt and the oatmeal. I started out with YoBaby yogurt (they didn't have baby food yogurt at that time) and then started giving her the regular adult kind (without chunks in it). She still fights against drinking milk, but she still eats yogurt at least once a day and I buy the orange juice with extra calcium in it. Have you also tried some of the yogurt smoothies? They also have milk in it but taste fruity.
My baby is 10 months She loves food. She drinks ony 2-3 bottles a day if she eats regular food not baby food real food.
So yes is okay as long as she gets nutrients she needs.
I nursed my son until he was 8 months old and I had the same problem with him only drinking 2-3oz in a bottle when I quit nursing. Gradually he started drinking more and at 9 months he was drinking about 20-22oz a day. I took him to the doctor for his checkup and she said that I could even cut him back to 16oz a day and to just make sure that he eats enough meats to get his iron. He is now a little over 10 months and he gets 3 bottles a day at 6oz each. I still give him atleast 18oz of formula a day to make sure he gets enough Vitamin D(they need 17oz of formula a day to get enough). Hope that helps!
Hi LIsa,
My son, Brandon, who is now 20mths old was the same exact way. He gained weight fine and everything, he just wasn't a big formula drinker (he does love whole milk however), and he loved to eat food! When I explained that to the pediatrician she just said that as long as he is gaining weight, isn't dehydrated, and is developing ok then it isn't a huge deal. I think on average Brandon only took 16 oz of formula day also, and I would always encourage him to drink more and I would even let him take his milk with him away from the table to encourage him to drink (since 6 mths he has always used sippy cups so it worked well and still does). He just never liked formula, and now he drinks tons of liquid in general. Hope that helps....Chrissy
My 5 months old boy drinks 6-7oz of formula about 5 times per day. My Dr. said that they should get at least 26 oz's per day just so they get all the vitamins and nutrients they need. The baby food as some good stuff in it but not all the vitamins they need to grow and be healthy. Try mixing her cereal and stuff w/ her milk so she gets it that way atleast. But, I guess as long as she isn't under weight and she is healthy I am sure you are fine. But make sure she isn't getting dehydrated cause that might happen from not drinking enough liquids.
as long as she is not under weight i dont see no harm if she is eating the food great but maybe you can try to get her to take sips in between bits.
ha i went through this SAME exact thing with my daughter (now 5 years old tomorrow) and i had the same issues with the pediatrician. I decided to quit fighting with my daughter to get her to drink more milk and started supplementing with yogurt. *yo baby brand is excellant* and later with other high calcium foods, dark leafy veggies sort of stuff. I also supplemented with pediasure at 9 months old and found that she loved that taste but i thought it was too rich so i would mix it with 1/4 milk to 3/4 can of pediasure in a bottle and found that she would drink the whole bottle at that point. some babies don't like the thick texture of formula-milk after they hit a certain point of developement and thats natural. I also mixed her cereal with formula instead of water or juice to boost the cals and get extra calcium. I guess my bottom line is don't fret over what the doctors say is the "norm" your child just obviously doesn't want the milk like other children and so your concern would be more of a nutrional value in finding ways to get the calcium requirements in your daughter on a daily basis. oh yea my daughter was breastfed too.
My daughter was the same way. I beleive as long as she is getting her vitamins and minereals through baby food she shoud be okay. My daughter would always take 4oz bottles at a time, up until when she weined herself off the bottle at 14 months, and from 11-14 months she mostly took bottles before bed and once during the night. If all else fails try using sippy cups with her. She might prefer it to bottles.