Hey K.,
I am six almost 6 months pregnant now, so I am pretty up on how much folic acid to get. My doctor didn't even give me a prescription for prenatal vitamins. I have been going to GNC and getting their prenatal vitamins. The March of Dimes Foundation recommends that pregnant women get 600mcg of folic acid per day. So 800mcg is more than enough. If you are over 30 years old, I would probably look into taking more, but if you are in your 20's, you should be more than fine with 800mcg. For a while, I was taking a prenatal with 400mcg and eating foods that are high in folic acid such as wheat pasta, whole grain breads, sun flower seeds, cereals, etc. There are so many foods out there that give you lots and lots! Also, I WOULD NOT take a vitamin that is not marked prenatal under any circumstances. There is way too much vitamin A. The vitamin A found in prenatals are lower in dose or comes in the form of Beta Carotin (sp?). Too much vitamin A while you are pregnant can cause birth defects (do some research on this to find out recommended doses). I hope any of this helps you out. Blessings to you and your baby!