4 days for the first child (he was a preemie and in nicu, so I stayed because I wouldn't leave until we knew all was well).
2 days for the second child, because it went great and I just needed some rest before going home.
With my first 2 i was strep B positive so my babies had to stay for 72 hours to make sure they didnt have it, so of course i stayed with them. This time i am Strep B negative! YAY.... So how long will we have to stay this time. I was thinking a day or 2 depending on when baby is born?
ADDED: With first one i got all antibiotics, with second baby i did not.
4 days for the first child (he was a preemie and in nicu, so I stayed because I wouldn't leave until we knew all was well).
2 days for the second child, because it went great and I just needed some rest before going home.
Went in on a Tues lunch time to be induced and didn't get out till Sat evening after 8pm due to complications. I never slept the whole time I was there and I was begging them to let me go home. My friend was home 6 hrs after having her dd. :-)
I don't remember exactly but I do remember the doc wanting to keep me one more night and I was so uncomfortable and couldn't sleep I made her release me early so i could sleep in my own bed!!!!
I was there 48 hours and was GBS +. I ended up staying another 48 hours not as a patient, but was able to keep my room and just not have meal service because our baby was on iv antibiotics for two days possibly from the GBS.
24 hrs both times. Had to pay CASH before delivery since we didnt have insurance.
I was in the hospital for just over a week. I would have had to stay the 72 hours anyway because I too was strep B positive, but the reason I had to stay was because I was having issues. I had a postpartum hemmorhage that lost a lot of blood. I stayed in the delivery room for the first 3 days because they couldn't get me stabalized enough to move. Then I was moved to a recovery room, where I was able to be discharged after just 2 days... BUT my DD got jaundiced so we had to stay a couple more days after that, and of course I stayed with her. lol. Actually, it was pretty nice. My nurses were AWESOME, and I quite enjoyed not having to worry about keeping up on everything while family was there. My dad and little brother flew in from Idaho, and my FIL, MIL, and SIL drove in from Tennessee, (I was in Texas) so I didn't have to worry about a thing. :)
Wow seems like every one stayed for some time
with my first it was two nights with my second it was 11 hours (had her around 7am and was going home at 6 that same night :) Although I think I probably should have stayed one night
I was strep B positive with my first and had to stay for 48 hours. I was strep B negative with my second and only had to stay 24 hours.
It depends on your insurance and what time of day you have your baby. I think mine paid for 2 days after the baby's delivery -- the delivery counting as day ZERO -- I had her at 12:26 (after midnight) so that was day 1 (Monday). I ended up discharged wednesday morning. My son was c-section and you get more days for that under insurance ... I talked my OB into discharging me early- he was born a bit after 2am on a Wednesday and I got discharged Friday evening around 9pm (they wanted to keep me till Saturday or Sunday but I wanted to get home to my 17 mo old). BTW- my doc isn't planning on keeping our baby (I am 38 weeks prego) longer just because I tested positive for strep B this time (was negative with the 1st two) unless there are obvious signs of complications. Did you not have antibiotics during delivery the first two times?
4 days with a c-section, 3 with vaginal. Stay as long as you can! Im so looking forward to it. Its my vacation this year. 3 meals in bed and nurses sound good to me! lol
With both of mine, i stayed 24 hours :)
I stayed 18 hours and 34 minutes... but I hate hospitals (phobic to blood, IV's and needles so I basically have a panic attack the whole time!) and my husband is a doctor (yes, he married someone phobic to ... his job basically...)
I stayed 48 hours with each (2 nights) with each. I would stay as long as my insurance would let me, esp with 2 kids at home. It is time alone to bond and to rest and probably the last free babysitting for a while and time to get the breast feeding or other kinks worked out while there are nurses to help.
If you deliver naturally and everything is normal with baby, then they have no reason to keep you any length of time longer than you want. If you have a C-section for whatever reason, then they will keep you till you are able to eat, but can't eat till you pass gas. My mom is a traveling RN, so has worked in several hosptials. I delivered all 3 of my children in the comfort of my own home with midwives, so was able to get up and walk around RIGHT after delivery with no doctors or nurses telling me I can't. Even my mom who has been an RN thinks home birth is much better, unless you have something about your pregnancy that is of special concern and therefor should or need to be in a hospital. In the end, it really depends on you, and how long you feel you need to stay (unless of course like I mentioned the C-section circumstances). Good luck, and gongrats.
I would think it would depend on your insurance, but also how much help you had at home. I didn't have much, so I stayed the 2 days where they could bring me food, the baby, and clean up whenever I bled all over stuff (TMI, but there you go). I'll admit it was annoying to be awakened for all the nursing stuff, but how much sleep are you going to get anyway?
I thought checkout was like 11( in the morning after the doctor does his rounds). if he doesn't give the nurse the orders to leave (you weren't okay to leave) you get to spend the night. So that would maike it a day and half.That was per insurance a dozen plus years ago. Best place for you is in the hospital though, especially with other kids to care for at home. Need time to sleep/heal.
I was GBS positive and stayed for 14 hours. My baby was born at 6AM and we were released at 8:00PM the same day(this was 2007, so pretty recently). I had talked to both my midwife and our ped about going home ASAP if we were healthy. I had gotten antibiotics for the GBS while I was in labor and no one even suggested it would be dangerous to leave the hospital. I did not have to sign any "against medical advice" papers nor was I given any grief by medical providers or nuses.
My midwife signed my release papers around noon and the only reason we had to wait was that our ped couldn't come until after office hours at 7:00PM to sign the release for the baby.
We wanted to spend our first night at home together and it was great!
Talk to your doctor beforehand about your wishes and if he gives you a "we always do it this way" answer, consider a medical provider who practices a more individual and evidence based approach to medicine.
Good luck!
I hate the hospital so I always ask to be released ASAP. With my second I was admitted at 6pm had him at 9pm and was home the next day by 1pm. Just tell the doctor to put you at the top of the list for discharges.
Had both kids on Wednesday, was out Friday morning.
Our hospital allowed us to stay 48 hours and I did! I loved being served breakfast/lunch/dinner and getting help from the nurses w/the baby. My husband stayed home with our toddler son, it allowed me to get a little much needed rest after labor.
I developed a high fever during labor and during/after my C-Section so I was put on antibiotics and required extra attention so I stayed for 5 days.
i was released exactly 24 hours after having my baby girl...
I gave birth with a midwife in a birth center. I came home 4 hours after delivering a healthy baby. Of course, lol, I had been there for more than 12 hours before that since I was in labor for 19 hours.
We stayed one night. I had her at 11:59 am and we left before noon the next day. I think we were in the hospital for about 28 hours total. I thought I was going to want to leave earlier but it was really nice to stay for the night, the next day I felt really good and ready to go home.
It was just one night with each of my babies... Thank Goodness!! I was blessed with no complications... : ) Each circumstance is different, the doc will let you know when your ready...
At my hospital, the average is 2 nights, even if you have a perfectly healthy delivery and baby.
I arrived at the hospital at 4 am on Tuesday morning, gave birth to my son at 3:06 pm that afternoon, and was discharged from the hospital at approximately 3:00 pm on Thursday afternoon. At my hospital, patients with no complications were only required to stay 24 hours (following the birth, not check-in). I had several childbirth/postpartum complications (I lost a lot of blood), so I opted to stay 48 hours. I could have stayed an additional day, but by that time - I was ready to go home.
the first time was 48 hours, the second 24 hours. with both boys i had strep b, so i did the antibiotics during labor.
i was strep b + and had a c-section and stayed 5 days 4 nights (like a vacation with meals included lol)... it was long but i was well medicated so it wasnt too bad
When I had my 8 year old I had to stay three days because his heart rate and temperature were a little low. He had to have tests and we had to get his stats to a normal range.
With my 5 year old I gave birth at 7.30 in the morning and left the hospital at about 6.30 that evening. I couldn't get out of there fast enough.
If you want to go home quickly you have to say so. They will ensure that you and baby are doing fine before they let you go but you can the same (or next) day if you want to.
3 days with th first (strep b) and 2 days with the second.
I went in at 10 am on saturday, I was having a csection by 3pm and stayed all night and on the next day as well by monday noon I was out. It all depends on your fast recovery and if your baby is healthy.
My first baby was born at 36 weeks and had a hard time nursing, so we were in the hospital for 3 nights.
My second was term, healthy and nursed like a champ right from birth; we were in the hospital for a total of 24 hours.
My third was over due, healthy and nursed well, but because she was born so late in the evening we had to stay 2 nights so the proper blood work could be done.
I was strepB neg for all, and had unmedicated, uncomplicated natural births.
Not including the 4 days I was induced, we had baby via cesarean on Monday and left the hospital on Thursday. We thought it would be longer because of jaundice but they let us out. That was a super long week!
My first one in 1983, I stayed in for 3 days, my second one 1987, I stayed in for 3 days, and my last one norn in 1979 had my baby went home 17 hours later. J.
It depends on where you have a baby. I had my daughter out of country (natural birth) and they usually kept the mom and baby for 10 days. I made such a fuss and got out the 5th day. By then my millk was in and I was able to nurse and get adjusted a bit more. Some of the women came in from logging towns way up north in Canada in their 6th month and stayed there until baby was about 3 months old. This was because there were no medical facilities nearby (like 300 or 500 miles away).
I do have to admit I did enjoy the pampering from the nurses.
The other S.
With my first in 1990 I as 'lucky' enough to have enough complications to stay 3 days.
My second in 1994, it was a little over 24 hours which was that insurance/industry standard.
24 hours with all three. They said I could stay longer if I wanted to, but I don't sleep well in hospitals so I opted to go home.
Congrats! With each of my 4 children. I've stayed for 2-3 days. Mostly 2 days.
When I had my daughter 8 years ago, they only required you to stay in the hospital for 24 hours. It depends on your insurance as to how long you are allowed to stay. I think it is usually up to 3 days or so. When I had my daughter we couldn't wait to get out of the hospital and back to the comfort of our own home, so we only stayed the required 24 hours. The nurses were a great help, especially since it was our first (and only) baby, but I just wanted to be in my own bed, with my own food and bathroom and all, and not have the nurse constantly checking on me. You decide what amount of time is best for you and the baby.
Technically, you can leave whenever you want, but you may have to sign out AMA, and some hospitals will make threats in order to get babies to stay longer.
I have been able to get 2 of my babies signed out in about 24 hours without a problem. Most insurance cover 2 overnights (starting at midnight) for normal deliveries.
I had a c-section with my daughter. Insurance paid for 4 days...that was way too long for me. I had my Dr discharge me after 2 days. There was no way I was staying 4 days in the hospital!!
I stayed four days with my twins (c-section).
I had C- sections both times. The first time went in on a Thursday night delivered around 1 a.m. and I went home the following Tuesday night. They would have let me go home on Monday but my whole family was sick - pneumonia, strep, bronchitis, high temps so I had to wait until someone was well to get me.The next time I went in at 530 a.m. delivered around 9 a.m. and we went home the following Monday late morning/early afternoon. They would have let us go on Sunday except by Saturday she has lost too much weight so we had to stay for monitoring. I think someone said it perfectly - it depends on insurance and your situation!
I had her on a Tuesday Morning (5:20 am) and was released Thursday afternoon. I have no idea why I had to stay that long. I was strep neg, my bleeding was controlled by that night (I only needed 2 stitches) and I had a BM (all their requirements)....but I still had to stay 2 days.
I would ask your Dr. what normal protocol is for the hosp. My daughter had to stay a week longer in the NICU.
I was c-sec'ed on a Wednesday morning at 11 am....we were outta there on Friday at around 8 am.....(I also was doing laundry and chores on Sunday)
Most hospitals require 24 hours before they can take the PKU test (I think that's the one.) so they will want you to stay at least that long.
I had my daughter at at 103pm and was gone by 11am the nxt day. Couldn't leave fast enough!
Baby #1 was a c-sec and was in for 3 days. Baby #2, vaginal birth-out in 24 hours.
Had my first 12:55am on a Thursday,, went home Saturday about noon. 2nd one was born at 5:25am Wednesday and we took her home at 10am Thursday. My daughter spent just over 3 weeks in before she gave birth, then delivered c-section 5 weeks early and stayed for 3 days. Then baby came home 3 days later. It all depends on a lot of stuff doesnt it!
i'm not normal. i was in the hospital 5 days before i had my baby (my membranes were leaking at 30 weeks) and i stayed in the hospital myself for 5 days because i got an e. coli infection. my daughter stayed in the hospital for a total of 39 days because of her size. a lot of times now they keep you for 24-48 hours for a vaginal delivery and i think 48-72 for c-section. but don't quote me on that for sure. that's just what i think i remember them telling me.
What does your DR say?
I think it might depend on the hospital. Ours was 2 nights. I would call and see what they say. Good luck and congrats!
My first was born at 11:01PM, we were home before dinner the next day. Hated it at the hospital! We fought to get home earlier, they kept "loosing" our stuff. My second and third were born at a birth center. I stayed 6 hours after the birth of each one. Best thing I ever did! Didn't mind the extra trips to drs because we didn't stay. I was at home to shower, get sleep and relax with my new baby. In the hospital they wouldn't leave me alone, noise from adjoining rooms and the nurses station etc was insane! By the time I got home with my first I had been awake for nearly 48 hours when you factor in what time I woke up the day before, labor, delivery and the time spent there!
With my second (my son) it was about 24 hours after I had him. I was induced Friday morning, had him by 6 that evening, and we were ready to leave by about five the next day. I had a normal delivery, he was healthy when he was born, he latched on and started breastfeeding right away, and since he was my second baby I wasn't scared out of my mind like I was with my first one, and they said we could leave that next day. I was ready, because I had my toddler at home and wanted to get back there as soon as possible. Good luck, and congratulations!
With my first it was 3 nights, and my with my second, and third it was 2 nights. All three were c-sections.
honey they tried to kick me out right after they circumsized my son! i looked and them and told them I don't think so, i jut had and ALL NATURAL birth, I will be spending the night!