I have used Turbo-tax the last 3 years and I think it's great. Very easy. Step by step directions, very simple to follow.
They ask you a serious of questions to see what kind of things you have and what kids of things you don't have.
We have rental income, my husband has a ScottTrade account that he 'plays with' and we *had* an Schedule 1 form (40% owner of an internet company) that we had to claim...and I did it all just by following the directions. You can go back and fix things, you can click on stuff and ask questions. It really is set up quite nicely.
*I have always been fairly good with numbers tho, if that matters any...meaning that doing the taxes never really bothered/scared me.
Before we tried Turbo-Tax we had, in prior years, hired a professional accountant at $400 a pop, Jackson Hewitt at $300+ a pop and once H&R Block but they were so long ago I don't even remember how much it was?
I watched closely every time, asked lots of questions and was never confused by anything they did and it came quickly apparent that they just followed a computer screen and I figured "Hey, I can do that"!
Turbo-Tax does come with a 'guarantee' that you can pay a lil' extra for (I think? maybe it's just free) that covers you in case of an audit...and at the end it runs a program that gives you the probability % of you getting audited by what you have entered, which is really cool!