Having been a preschool teacher for 12 years, before having my own children, I can say I am not an advocate for preschool. I think we are introducing our little ones earlier and earlier into the world of academia. Before you make your decision, thoroughly evaluate the preschool you are considering. In KY, there are no real guidelines for a daycare program calling themselves a "preschool." I cannot vouch for all programs, but there are a lot out there that are nothing more than glorified babysitting services under the name of "preschool." If you want to prepare your son for public school, here's my advice. Children are born curious and ready to absorb everything. When they are little, they are always ready to learn, they don't "need" formal education in their early years. Take him outside and let him explore his world. Read to him a lot. Take him on field trips to museums, the library, music concerts. Give him jobs around the house and let him help you cook. Let him play with playdough, color and draw. Basically, just expose him to lots of experiences. If you do send him to kindergarten, he will be more than ready. And if you decide to homeschool (because after all, you already have been for four years!), you will be the best teacher for him!!