I'm a middle school teacher and coached cheerleading last year. To raise money for uniforms we sold coupon cards from Papa Murphy's (it's a take and bake pizza place we had in California... not sure if you have the same in TX). The local branch will GIVE you the cards to sell for whatever price you set (suggest 5$). It' s a credit card sized magnet with 10 peel off coupon stickers ($5 off order of $15 or more, 20% off any purchase etc.). The girls sold them pretty easily because even just ONE coupon pays for the card at that price.
The other thing we did with that store was to pick a date where they would profit share with us. You pick a slow night like a Tuesday so they appreciate the extra business, then pass out flyers etc. to get people to go get a pizza that day and the store agrees to give you some % of the sales that night.
Both of those things worked really well for us and were great because there's no cost to run it and it's easy on parents. They just go get pizza or ask their friends to etc.
If you don't have PapaMurphy's I'm sure a local business would be happy to arrange something similar. Give them a call.
Hope this helps.