My daughter just started liking food at a little over 11 months, and we've pretty much only done finger foods. She didn't like baby food much. I started with avocado (a good ripe one is so soft for them, it doesn't matter how many teeth!), banana of course baked sweet potato cubed, really soft cooked carrots, soft green beans, baked potato with a little cheese sprinkled. In fact, cheese is one of my baby's favorite things. I use Gerber puffs when we're out and about just in case there is nothing else appropriate for her. She loves yogurt (though that is not a self-feeding food!) too. Now that my baby has turned a year, I give her scrambled egg and soft cooked beans (she LOVES black beans) that she can pick up and eat on her own. She also likes whole wheat pasta cooked soft, cut up, with a little parmagiana or mozzarella grated on top.
I've been giving solids since 7 1/2 months (my baby still nurses just as much as always, despite how much "food" she eats) but DD just started really liking them at 11 1/2 months! Now she is 12 1/2 months, and she eats almost everything we do. She loves tomatoes and most fruits, and broccoli (I just cut off tiny portions of the "leaves" and she can pick them up), green beans, soft cooked red pepper strips....I still think the breastfeeding is #1, and so we still nurse on demand. It's full of protein and calcium. Plus, she is getting the benefits of all the food I eat when she nurses so that fills in any gaps.
I hope this helps you. At this point, his digestive system can handle a lot. I would just watch out for the "allergen" foods (they generally say to hold off on citrus until 1 year, and pork for a while. those are just a couple of examples).
Since my babies were EBF for so long, and then nursed as much after (DS nursed until 2, while DD is still going strong at 12 months), I refer to the kellymom website a lot. It's got great information that is research based for breastfeeding, and all that entails...including starting solids. Here is a link to finger foods: and this is a link to the page about allergen foods, and the suggested ages for introducing those.
On a personal note, I did give my baby strawberries and blueberries shortly before she turned a year, and she loves them both. But she is not particularly sensitive to foods, it appears.
Hope this all helps, and is not overload! Feel free to message me any time you have breastfeeding and solids questions!