He's going to change his own "personal" schedule so much and so fast there's not really a point. Infants are sleep all day, up at night, then they're sleeping more at night but fussing in the day, then they won't nap at the times we'd prefer....etc. etc. Trying to schedule him to your wants will only frustrate you especially at his age -- he's pretty much a newborn; he has no sense yet of night or day or time and will sleep when he is ready and where he is most comfortable, even if that means someone's rocking him.
When he's older, consider thinking of having a "routine," where you and he together do things in a certain pattern each day and night, rather than a "schedule." The term "schedule" unfortunately suggests "If the child isn't eating at 5:00 and asleep at 7:00, we've messed up the entire day." I've truly seen parents make themselves crazy by being certain they must "schedule" their infants, only to be angry and upset when their infant was changing by the week and couldn't "stick to the schedule."