When I had my little boy I intended to only breastfeed. But as his Jaundice started getting worst a few days after birth, I was urged by the doctors to start supplementing with formula. I tried not to but he kept getting worse so I finally gave in. =( I am now quite sure that's what caused my milk supply to not get well established.
Anyway, I am now pumping somewhere around 10-12 ounces per day (usually pumping every 2-3) hours... and supplementing with another 10-12 ounces of formula.
Is it too late to do something to increase my milk supply? What do I do? Oh, and I think one boob is defective. For every One ounce I get out of one breast, I get less than a quarter of an ounce from the other! =( I'm just so sad and frustrated by this. I feel like I'm doing all this work... pumping constantly... washing all the pumping stuff constantly... and I'm only getting half the amount my baby needs.
If you have any suggestions as to what I can do to increase my milk, I love to hear about it. Thank you!
I can totally sympathize. I went through the same thing and I took fenugreek (it's herbal you can get it at GNC) and drank Mother's Milk tea (you can also get this at GNC or Vons has it too in the health section). I drank the tea quite a bit each day. Pumping right after you breastfeed your baby helps too. It increases your milk supply usually in a few days. If you still have problems I would try calling a lactation consultant from your hospital. They were very helpful to me. Don't worry it is totally not too late! Good luck!
I can completely relate. I take Fenugreek, Goats Rue and More Milk Plus. You can get them all at Henrys(although you have to special order the Goats Rue). They are all herbal supplements. I have also started taking Donperidone(I ordered this from an online pharmecy in New Zealand). I still haven't noticied a huge increase yet but everything I have read says this works. I also pump after feeding. Drink tons of water...tons. I applaude you for wanting whats best for your baby! Keep up the good work! I know Grossmont Hospital has a free Breastfeeding Support group twice a week where you can get help, do a pre and post weight to see how much your baby actually consumes. These women are awesome. I went for the first 2 months. Good luck!
Fenugreek. Worked for me.
I was told to have a beer everyday the yeast helps your milk supply.
Read the info here
and here
It's not unusual to produce more on one side than another. When I first started pumping, I'd barely get an ounce from both sides combined. After a while of taking the More Milk Plus and Mother's Milk Tea, plus pumping for 5 minutes every morning, it gradually increased to where I was getting 3 oz out of my left breast and 1 oz out of my right. It was this way until my baby was around 7 months old, when it evened out and I now get about the same amount out of both sides (unless I've recently nursed my daughter on one side).
I'd recommend breastfeeding first and then pumping and supplementing. You want your baby to stimulate your body to produce more milk. The more the baby takes from the bottle, the less your body will produce.
I'd really recommend the lactation consultant. She was a huge help to me. I used Cindy Baylis down in Long Beach.
I am having the same situation as you did in 2008. Do you have any advice for me??? It has been very frustrating... Did it ever work for you or should I save myself the headache?
Congratulations on the arrival of your son... great day to be born... my son was born 8/26/07!! Start having miso soup at least once to 3 times a day. It helps increase your milk flow. Drink LOTS of water( i drank at least a gallon a day)! Mothers Milk tea helped also and I always find drinking tea relaxes me. One of my breasts gave much more than the other. My son had jaundice as well, however after a few days of indirect sunlight he was fine (something I wish they would have told me in the hospital as I had to learn this from a scary trip to the ER). Also, call the hospital where you gave birth and ask to speak with their lactation special - nearly every hospital has one. You are doing a great job!!! The first few weeks are the most important to try to give you son as much breast milk as your body will allow. Stress also can be a factor in decreasing your milk flow. Try to relax about all that is going on and KNOW that you are doing a marvelous job! I was just where you are almost a year ago and know what you are going thru. Things will be fine! Take a deep breath (and a nap if you can) and know that things will be fine! I had to substitute formula as well and my son is as strong as an ox now!!
Hi. I breastfed my two boys for nine months each. To increase my milk supply I drank a lot of water, ate a lot of high protein snacks,drank Mother's Milk Nursing Tea, and most importantly, breastfed on demand. You didn't mention why you're pumping all the time, but pumps cannot milk your breasts as well as your own baby. If you're able to nurse, then your milk supply will probably increase and catch up with your baby's needs. For more information, you can contact a La Leche League Member. Best Wishes!