Hi Mary! I feel your pain about working nights and having a baby who doesn't sleep well, but! She is still really young. From what I have read, you should not be giving your baby water right now. She may be hungry since she is waking up to nurse and then sleeping after. Breastfeeding is so wonderful and by far the best for your baby so congratulations on the sacrifices you are making. The days and nights feel so long right now, but they go by quickly and you will soon miss the nights with your daughter. Try and be patient and remember she is still really little. This will definitely end. It is definitely hard. I nursed my daughter for almost 18months. She was still getting up around 5am to eat, but then would go back to sleep. The other thing I would suggest is to not keep her up so late. She may be overtired and that is why she keeps getting up. It sounds backwards, but if you keep babies up too long they will wake up multiple times throughout the night. It doesn't work to keep them up late to help them sleep late. I would recommend reading a book on sleep to help you through this. GOOD LUCK!