Hi L.,
Our three year old son has a rare autoimmune disease for which he needs many medications. I am the one who works full time while my husband stays home with our son. He would regularly "forget" to give him his medications and would minimize the importance every time I'd say it was necessary. He just didn't get it and he thought I was making a big deal of nothing. To solve this problem, I made him go to the next scheduled doctor's appointment and gave her a head's up as to how he was forgetting to give the medications. She sat him down and explained what could happen to our boy if he continued to do this and he never forgot the medications again. I think it takes the MD to get through the heads of fathers sometimes. I was saying the same thing but it wasn't true in my husband's head because "you always over react!" Well, the doctor, not being the wife, is not over reacting and sometimes we can say it over and over again and it will go nowhere and all they need to do is hear it from the doctor and that makes it "true." As angry as I was that it took this to get it through his THICK head, at least it eventually did and now he remembers to give all the medications and if he should forget, he will at least listen to me and not be argumentative about it.
Good luck.