We have only 1 vehicle.
My Husband car-pools to work, and catches the bus home.
He knows... I am home with our 2 kids and need to take them places/to appointments/to school/for my errands and for the household, and to do things for and with the kids. AND just in case of emergency, I need the car.
If at any time he does not carpool or misses the bus or is late at work, then I simply drive him to work and pick him up after work.
My Husband meanwhile, if he takes our car to work, well- it just SITS there all day, doing nothing, and meanwhile he has to pay for parking.
That does not make sense, does it?
So, I have the car.
IF my Husband needs to drive, per work, well he just takes the company car or his co-workers car. His Boss, lets him use his car.
Its no problem. He is doing, work related obligations.
Can't your Husband, do that?
Once your child gets even older, you WILL need transportation, and the car. Does he expect you to walk everywhere? And take the bus??? With a young child? What about if you have to do grocery shopping or take your baby to the Doctor or yourself?
And what if there is an EMERGENCY?
He has to think about that.
Meanwhile, you can join Mom groups. If you make friends with a Mom(s), maybe THEY can occasionally drive you around.
Does your husband feel good about that?
I don't know, but I think your Husband has to re-evaluate the car usage and that you and your child is home.... isolated, and not able to really do anything, needed or not.
Sorry, but I just feel real strongly about that.
I am not criticizing you.
Just the car usage... and you are stuck at home.
I don't think it is fair, of your Husband.