all thumb suckers are different, One poster said her teeth are fine and she's right, but if your daughter is actually sucking down hard at times, she is putting pressure on her teeth that will change how they bite, and she'll need braces. Her dentist can make a hayrake appliance to stop thumb sucking. They fit bands on their teeth and make a mold of her mouth to make the appliance, then 3 wks later, it gets cemented in. It is like a retainer and it just interferes with her putting her thumb up there. The great thing about this is, it works 24/7 even when she's sleeping. After 4 to 6 weeks, the habit is broken and the appliance is removed (nothing is permanantly changed). I've done several of these and they WORK! If your dentist won't do it, call me, I can make one for your daughter. It's easy, and way cheaper than braces.
V. DiMario DDS
4413 N Clark St