We've had the same problem with our son, but since I've gone back to work, I just nurse him in the mornings and before bedtime, and I or the nanny offer him mainly goat milk other times. He never used to like it, but if I let him have a bit of a suck on my mostly empty breasts, and then he seems to want more - I tell him that mummy milk is all gone, but he can have this other milk. Sometimes he takes more than others, and I just leave it up to him - no need to force the issue. I tend to give him goat milk, or goat milk mixed with almond milk (similar to rice milk, only quite sweet, so I don't like to give it plain). He only has a few sips out of a sippy cup, but that way I feel better, like I've offered it to him and he's developing a taste for it - so can ask for it if he wants it. I also give him vitamin drops in his food, to make sure that he's getting enough of the good stuff. It must be hard with your health issues, I also have a few problems there... I guess your body wouldn't produce if it couldn't do it? My supply is dwindling rapidly after a thyroid problem developed... but I think the idea of offering milk just after a sleep is a good idea - when they're mellow and a bit sleepy still, they sometimes are more receptive to other ideas. Also, like others have said, if she's had your good milk all this time, the likelihood of her really needing it now is pretty slim. Back when cows milk first developed as a food for children, it was mainly for the undernourished. I doubt they absolutely need it - their little bodies are pretty good at figuring out what they need as they are still pretty instinctual - if you're offering it now and then, but she's not taking it, she probably is getting all she needs from her food (as long as its a varied diet with lots of fruit, veg, and some dairy and meat as well as whole grains). Good luck!