Be VERY careful! Even with reputable modeling agencies, you're going to have to spend money on professional head shots and a "modeling kit" -a bag you supply with the basics like black dress shoes, tights for girls, etc. My mother-in-law got my son hooked up with a very reputable place in Atlanta that supplies tons of models -children and adult -to national ad campaigns as well as local, but they were very up front about the fact that you have to be able to go to shoots sometimes on VERY short notice, and with a small minor child you have to stay with them the whole time. Many times you're compensated $80-$250 a shoot, but the shoots can be months apart. They told us all not to expect to pay for college or get any "real" money out of it. I appreciated their honesty and even though they were crazy about my son, I decided I did not have the time or desire to really get involved in it. If you do, just know that you'll have to be really flexible, spend some cash on head shots, etc. Of course if your child winds up landing a national campaign -there's more money, but still not as much as you may expect. We were told to look at it as a hobby -like if your child was really into swimming, cheerleading, etc. and you devoted lots of time to that.