So cute!
I heard my 19 year old, who has finally become enjoyable again after a few years of teen sullenness, listening to classical music in his room the other day. :)
Mamas & Papas-
Last night our 3 year old insisted that he read us his bed time story. He implored us to be quiet and sit down and listen. Then he very solemnly opened the pages, tracked the words with his fingers and kind of mumbled along with the right cadance and rhythym and said those words he recognized/ remembered.
Hope your little ones are delighting you with their growth and independence. What have your's done lately?
F. B.
So cute!
I heard my 19 year old, who has finally become enjoyable again after a few years of teen sullenness, listening to classical music in his room the other day. :)
One afternoon when my now 15 year old was 3 and I was laying down with him trying to get him to take a nap he was talking. At first I was really annoyed, I continued to listen and thought he was saying the alphabet and was very excited, then I realized that it was not the alphabet, he was actually spelling his name. Oh my, that was a moment!!!
Brings tears to my eyes.
That's so great!! Congrats!
My son (3) has been in speech therapy and lately has been making SO much progress! It's made me so happy to actually hear him speak to me, and say what he needs. He told me he loves me for the first time not too long ago, and called me "Mom"!!!
He loves all letters, and numbers, and knows all them all and which letters make what sounds, and been reading anything he can. I couldn't be prouder of him. We've worked sooo hard together to get to this point, and it feels so good to finally see the positive changes in him.
aawww!!! my boys are 11 & 13 - they have been taking their scooters to McDonald's (1.1 miles away) by themselves...and yesterday - since there was no school and we had other kids over? My youngest wanted to use his allowance that he's been saving - to buy everyone lunch! He bought 4 people lunch at McDonald's with his own money!
now as a side note - when he got home - he said to me PRIVATELY - "wow, mommy - that was expensive! Now I know why we don't go there every day!"
I thought that was funny!!
Good for you!!! It's great that your son is enjoying reading!! LOVE IT!!
At my 19 week ultrasound they found a cyst on my daughter's brain as well as a spot on her heart. I had a repeat ultrasound at 24 weeks and have been going crazy waiting for my doctor to call me with the news. I'm 27 weeks and my doctor JUST called me this morning to tell me that the cyst on her brain is gone but the spot on her heart is still there. But she also told me that she showed the ultrasound to several doctors at the U of M and they said that they didn't think the spot was anything to worry about. So that's my good kid-related news for the day!!! :D
My 19 year old just bought his first car with cash and got his own insurance policy. Kid has a higher net worth at 19 than I did at 29. :O
Jaw dropping.
Even we parents of grown children still have those wow moments. Enjoy each and every one!
Wild Woman I loved your story - so cute!
ETA: Early reading skills like the one you described are so important and valuable!
That's pretty awesome, and I love that you delight in him like you do. It reminds me that my kids didn't always drive me insane LOL.
My two oldest pretty much drive me crazy, but that's teenagers for you.
My 9 year old...also not delighting me much these days, but it is good to see him learning the consequences of procrastination and the value of time management at this age.
My 7 year old? Almost always lovely. A classmate's parents divorced last year so my son somehow decided that his friend doesn't get to buy lunch as often as he wants to because the lunch menu isn't at his dad's house. I'm sure that's not the reason (it's not money either, they probably just don't want him buying lunch all the time because the food isn't that great), and that they could get two sets of notices sent home if they wanted to. However, my son knows that we get the same lunch menu and other notices from my other son's school so if we have two notices of something, he brings in the duplicate for his friend so that he can have one at mom's and one at dad's. I gave the mom (one of my friends) a heads up and she thought it was the sweetest thing, so it continues. I just love that my son was thoughtful enough to perceive of a problem, figure out a solution, and do something that in his head is taking care of a friend.
Enjoy your little guy, he'll be reading for real before you know it!
F. one, that is lovely! Thank you for sharing it with us strangers -- we may not know you or your son but we sure can appreciate the joy!
My 12-year-old still likes me to read to her at night much of the time and asks for it. It seems to relax her to be read to in the dark, with me using a flashlight. I never say no because I know that all too soon she won't ask any more. It's so special. She's very mature and so busy with schoolwork and other activities that it's good to have time to ourselves. I hope your son keeps reading to you and when he's 12, you're still reading to each other!
That is so cute!
If he does it again try to video it.
These are the moments that you'll remember forever even as they grab the keys and drive off to college.
Both of my boys (2 & 5!) who looooooove their sweets decided to participate in a candy buyback for Halloween where the candy goes to the troops. They took their money and each bought a new toy at Target. So proud of them!
My 39 week old has started signing back to me. I was so excited when she shook her head yes...she's been doing the milk sign for weeks, but she's starting to add new signs every few days. I love watching kids learn language. It is seriously one of my favorite parts of being a mom.
Very cool!
I had one of those moments last night. I was down on the floor with my 9 y.o. His playmobil pirate ship and his space ship were having a battle. (This is what our world here often looks like.) My son yelled out, "I have a great idea!" and ran off to his room. He came out with various pieces and parts of his snap circuits set, and stuffed them into the spaceship and the hold of the pirate ship. Then he mimicked the imagined sound of a laser cannon, reached into the hold of the pirate ship, and connected a circuit, producing a flash of light. "See, mom? Special effects!"
I agree to photograph or video that!
My DD can read simple books and I delight in hearing her read to me. It seems like every day she rolls out something new.
Adorable. My youngest granddaughter is 15 months old. She loves to just turn the pages on books and when she gets to the end she puts her arms in the air and says her version of The End.
That's so great, FB! It's fun when they can start 'telling back' the story to us.
Yesterday, instead of the usual "easiest choice possible" for homework, Kiddo chose to do some writing. At the beginning of the school year he was having a tough time with his Writer's Workshop time at school, so I was surprised when he said he wanted to write. He sat down and in about 15 minutes had four sentences composed about his new fish, and told me he wanted it to be 'perfect', so was asking about spelling, correcting small mistakes, etc. Nice little moment, to see him doing the composition on his own, and noticing how far he's come with spelling and sentence structure. He's gaining in his reading, too, and I know there's a correlation there-- it's just neat!
Congratulations mama, you should be ridiculously proud. :)
Very awesome! Make sure you make a note of the name of that book -it will be a memory to treasure. I agree with videoing if you can do that. My granddaughter amazed us by being able to recognize numbers on a car license plate at 18 months. We knew she could count, but we were amazed when she could point out and say all the numbers out of sequence.
I love age 3!
My 3 year old has been building a boat on her bed every night, with books, blankets and a billion stuffed animals. Then she makes a teeny tiny spot for me and asks me to come along wherever they are all going. It's funny to see what she comes up with in her limited 3 years of life experience- "we're going to las vegas!" (where mom and dad have gone, but not her) "There will be a wacuzzi and a push-out bed!" (a hotel we stayed in) "oh no we will be late for the wedding!" (two of my sisters have/are getting married this year). Love their little minds!
6 year old is showing more and more academic independence which I love- she is totally clued in and can always explain to me what is in the homework folder etc. Which is good because this year's teacher seems a little lacking in the "clear instructions to parents" area. I can never figure out what to do with all that stuff but luckily she knows :)
I just want to chime in and say: that is such a special and sweet bedtime for you all to remember for ever!
A. :)
Love all of these stories!
Grandson-3 years old-learning the Periodic Table of Elements, reads, knows all the presidents, states and capitals, most countries of the world, planets, builds Knex models that are geared towards age 7+, has been spelling since age two, knew the alphabet at age 15 months, helps the teacher when she forgets something, etc-can learn anything-most children are able, it's that the parents don't know what they're doing. Footnote-won't potty train! But, yes-three is a good age to begin reading-good for you!
Virtual high-five! Such sweet moments :)
They're little sponges, aren't they!! So cute!!
My daughter is 3 and we have chosen to home school so we got some workbooks to help her get use to mommy as her teacher. We thought we would have problems starting out but she loves it and will ask to do the work books by herself. It is cute :)