Hi J.---I see a board certified internist who practices integrative medicine. She specializes in helping the body to help itself. By that I mean she can prescribe drugs but usually she'll use natural methods, like using supplements and such to help the body heal itself.
I was in full blown menopause in my early 40's. At that time, pills were still thought to have a protective effect on the heart. Not so much any more. Dr. Kovalcik at the Downing clinic in Clarkston, measures hormone levels via saliva, which is far more accurate than blood measurements. She then prescribes hormone creams to put me at levels that I should be for my age. I am not trying to be 35 again. But I knew that something wasn't right without them. I wouldn't say that I was depressed, but I do know that I have a much better disposition when I'm on them.
One thing to remember. Naturopaths in Michigan cannot prescribe medicines. Bioidentical hormones require a prescription. It may be worth your while to come to Clarkston for your 'hormone' appointments, if you can't find anyone near you in Saginaw. You might even call the Downing Clinic to see if they can refer you to someone there.
Keep in mind that your diet can also play a HUGE role in how your body is able to make hormones and maintain hormonal health. If you don't have the proper nutrients, which come almost entirely from plants, your body will not be able to maintain optimal health. Feel free to pm me to talk more about this concept. I am a wellness coach and I would be honored to help. Good luck. D.