I believe you can do a "statement in lue" for the remainder of this year. .see the CA homeshcool network link that another mom sent you. That is a great resource.
Then....In late August or beginning of sept, Start homeschooling your son for the next grade level/school year. YOU pick what date your school will start. Then, anytime between Oct 1-15 , you will have to go online and register your private school with the CDE (CA Dept of Education.) The CA homeschool network site has instructions and should have the link. Fill it out online and email it. Once you do this, you are registered. Make sure you use a computer that is hooked to a printer and can print a copy of it , and then file your printed copy in a binder or file dwarer.. keep it in archives. Do not try to file at the beginning (aug/sept) of your school, Your school should already be up and running... and then you file in October. This is what all the big private schools do and is what homeschoolers need to do also.
You will also have to keep an attendance sheet. You dont have to turn it in, you keep it on file at home. There are 180 days in the school year.
You also have to keep on file...a statement of the qualifications of the 'teacher" (you). Dont freak out about this. Remember that these requirements were put in place for the faculty at the pivate schools like the one you just pulled your son out of..not for homeschoolers.. So If you only have a high school diploma- no problem. Put that on the form. (It is probable no one will ever see it anyway.) With your name, your school name, address, position title, and any other classes you've taken. It's that simple. You do not have to mail it to anyone. File it. You have it on hand in case you get audited. (Unlikely.) stick it in the same file with your copy of your electronic registration.
Go to yahoogroups.com and lookup homeschooling groups in the bay area. That can get you started with a support group. That is very important. Someone on there will probably have copies of attendance sheets that they can send you so you can use it. You may even find blank ones online.
When I lived in Ca in 2009 I had a homeschool binder. I put dividers in it, and on section 1, was the attendace sheet. Section 2, was my daily activity planner.(I listed what we did every day.. NOT REQUIRED BY THE STATE- I JUST DID IT) Section 3, was my the reading log...a sheet to record "books read" (not required by the state but so fun to look back on). Section 4 was faculty info sheet. Section 5 was my copy of electronic registration. I also had a binder for my child , separated by subject, where i kept samples of his work. At the end of the year, I pulled a sample of work from each month from his binder, put it together with all the stuff from my binder, put in into a grocery sack, and taped it up. Wrote HOMESCHOOL ARCHIVE GRADE X on it, and then threw it in the attic. Keep your homeschool documents archived for 5 years if possible.
I've been homeschooling for 12 years, 10 of them in CA.
Mail me with any questions.....