I completely agree with Sue H....just mash up or puree on the spot some of what you are having for dinner. Your goal, I would think, is to have him accustomed to your foods and meals anyway? As she said, if you are having a spicy food or something just really not baby friendly..have some back ups....something saved from previous days, or something like organic/low sodium soups you can drain a bit and whip up, or attempt to whip up LESS to get him used to more texture thru this process.
I do home childcare and have made baby food for years. I never make anything fancy...steamed or boiled or baked veggies pureed up...then started doing less mushed, more chunk as we went along...for fruits...same deal. Simple and easy!
For meal items and hot dishes RIGHT before we got to chunks of table foods, I just puree for a few weeks on the spot whatever the other kids are eating and offer some small chunks as well...and keep adding the chunks until that is all they want.
Good luck!