Is there an issue that you are worried about? If not, then you do not need this service.
For children with speech and language issues, behavoiral concerns (such as anxiety, "immaturity" or impulsive behavoirs beyond typcial 4-5 year old impulsivity) suspected congantive issues, or sensory and motor issues, you would do much better to have the issues assessed by professionals to find out how much of an issue your child has in any one area. Follow the professionals theraputic advice, and access public school intervention services early if neccessary. When you suspect any one of these things is an issue, you are best to send your child to kindergarten ON TIME so that they do not lose an entire year of targeted intervention services and you do not put them just out of reach for ANY service EVER, because they are older than their peers and do not qualify for a needed service (until it is too late) because they are just not far enough behind kids that are a year younger than they are. Service is always based on grade, not age, so it is a devistatingly bad educational strategy for children with issues to hold them back.
I am guessing that none of that applies to you, but your child really does not need anything other than an enriched enviornment to be ready for kindergarten. Read to them, let them see you reading, talk to them all day long, provide some opportunity to practice social skills and play with peers, and give them plenty of opportunity to see and investigate new, and everyday things. If you have a typical child, your child will be ready for Kindergarten without any tutoring, or even preschool, at all.