I do not make my own pet food for my pets for a few reasons. It is very very hard to produce a well balanced diet for you pet that will offer the same nutrients found in a commercial diet. If you are looking for a diet that is produced a certain way (whole food, organic, grain free) there are diets out there already that are commercially available. Homemade pet food are expensive and timely. Unless you freeze it it is hard to keep it fresh and the protein ingredients are expensive. Most of the homemade diets require you to add supplementation so you have to add that cost in as well. Contrary to some of the homemade diet recipes you have to watch your ingredients - no garlic/onion, do not use Raw meat products. You have to be very very careful.
All of that being said there are tons and tons of websites out there available but I would make sure the website/recipes are Vet-approved. Contact your vet - they can guide you to the correct sources. Good Luck!