Hi J.,
Here is my holiday card situation. I love receiving cards at the holidays, and I like to send them as well, and really have the best intentions of sending them every year, some years work out better than others. What I like to do, but have had less and less time every year to do, is to write a SHORT but personal greeting on each card, or at the bare minimum sign them by hand. What I have noticed over the past few years, is that each year fewer and fewer people are doing this, and I am writing less on more of the cards i am signing. Some people have gone the standardized form letter route, others have simply made their holiday card with their kids or pets photo, and that is it, signature printed on card, end of story.
My other problem is, I am terribly disorganized, and I regularly take on more than I can handle. So, each year, I begin addressing the cards to the first people who's cards I have received, the early bird gets the xmas card. I do have a list of family and friends I would like to send to, but I usually only get 1/3 of the way through it. And finally, I prioritize the cards for family and friends I want to keep in touch with (even if they get no note) who are further away. So, if you are not someone who was the first card in the door, or someone who is so far I never see; you will probably be in the last 1/3 of my list, and while my intentions, good will, and holiday spirit would be thinking of you, they may never make it to your mailbox.
So, my advice is to send cards to the people you want to send cards to, and don't read anything into a lack of response or reciprocation. Separately from that, you can try organizing a game night or "Stomp out the February Blahs Party" (a theme a friend of mine from high school used that I always liked). If you can't get anyone to come, and it's not the middle of the holiday frenzy, then maybe it's time to reevaluate those friendships.
Best Wishes from a good-intentioned, friend-needing, holiday card slacker.