I went to the Midwest Fertility Center. I have to say I didn't enjoy the experience. The docs and techs were extremely impersonal and insensitive. For instance, I was berated for making them stop doing something very painful during a procedure I didn't need. I was criticized and ignored when I suggested the problem seemed to be one certain thing and could we test for it first? Instead they did several other expensive and unnescesary tests first, only to confirm that my problem was exactly what I thought it was to begin with, and easily solved.
I think these clinics, and it could be a common problem, often have a set series of tests that make them a lot of money, and they insist on doing them all, even if your problem doesn't match the test. For instance, I was pregnant and kept losing the pregnancy. They insisted on doing a rather painful test to check for a blocked tube before they would check for hormone problems. Huh? Obviously the eggs were getting where they needed to go... Also, there were several times where they said, OK, call back after 3 days (or whatever) to get the result so I could see if I should take a certain action. I would call and get no answer, leave a message, no return call. I would be stuck for long frustrating weekends without promised results. I tried telling them that if the results don't come in when expected they should probably just return the call and tell me so please! To, once again, no response.
Maybe all the places insurance companies cover in Dupage are like this, I don't know. I would be tempted to try the other one if you can, or just be prepared for a very clinical, unresponsive environment where you need to be a very strong advocate for yourself. I did end up pregnant, but it truly didn't have to be such a negative experience.
If you can, I recommend taking a friend or family member to all tests with you even if they say you don't need to. I had to sit in my car once for an hour before I could drive myself home after a test they said was mildly uncomfortable.