We always doa Pizza Party at the end of the season. A few years they tried to top the last year with a bigger and better party. The previous posters were right. Getting together off the field and playing with thier friends is great. The kids just love to get together. We do have a Quarter Jar. Every goal the team scores, all the parents put a quarter in. This covers the coaches gift and most of the time the pizza for the team. If we have a great season, it covers a small something for the girls. When my daughter was 8, we did charm braclets. The girls love them, every year we add a charm. Soccer balls, good luck, etc. You can find the bracelets for $3-$4 and the charms are about $3. Moms that are not the Team Mom, remember how hard they work and get them a small something also. Even if it is just a card all the kids and parents sign! Make it fun and do not work to hard at it!