Dear D.,
You are definitely my hero ! You wear many hats, and I understand. I have 6 children and when they were all small, I too, worked a full time job, and the kids were in every organization or activity known to mankind !
All that being said, I have several suggestions First of all, I think perhaps, rethinking how fortunate you are to have this beautiful family might be in order. Next, how about a Mother's Day Out program for the little ones ? Maybe some involvement in the YMCA for the children ? The Y has basketball, socccer, swimming, tot play programs, etc. .......
My darlings went to summer camp and so on and so forth.
Vacation Bible School is a plus. Our family even went to VBS with boys and girls of different religions.
One final comment. You say you are loving the money that your at home businesss affords you. Welllll, spend some of it to help you. Housekeeper once a week may be a great option ? Molly Maid Service that arrive twice a week, whatta ya think ? Contracting 17 yr. old and 8 yr. old for additional household chores, or babysitting/entertainment of the 3 and 2 yr. old for say a couple of dollars and hour ?
I would like to share this thought. D., the Lord will love you irregardless of how much time you spend at the church, or church related programs. Would cutting back on a few of those obligations be feasible ?
Oh, one night a week pot luck supper made up of all the leftovers.
You must be an incredible person. Peace to you and your family.