hey J.,
i am sorry to say i disagree with dr's these days. i know they have their reasons...but that include every baby. every baby is different.
i am 45, and have 5 kids ages 7 1/2 yrs, 15, 19, 23, and 27 yrs, and 3 grandbabies, and babysat more kids in 27 yrs than i can even remember. some people i have known, did what their drs said. most did not. out of ALL the kids i have ever known, only 1 ever had any kind of reaction. and they were giving him oat cereal, and i was the one who told them i didn't think his body was tolerating it. he was basically puking it back up within 15 min of eating it. and i think he was around 3-4 months old if i remember right.
with my own kids, my first one was the same way as a baby. he was hungry all the time. dr said no cereal until 4 mo. i lived with my mother-n-law at the time, who also had 5 kids and old fashioned. she said it was ridiculous. mine all started cereal(rice, and runny consistancy) at between 2 - 4 WEEKS of age. they all did great, and if i would have continued feeding my first formula everytime he wanted to eat, lord only knows how heavy he would have gotten!
i think it is something you just have to use your own judgement on. try it, see how he tolerates it/likes it, and go from there. mine also were on fruits by the time they were all 3-4 months old. drs put these "rules" down, because there are "some" who have reactions, and to safeguard it from happening. heck with my #5, the dr we STARTED taking her to, told me i WAS NOT even allowed to use jarred baby foods!!!!! i was to puree all of it, and when it came to meats, i was to only give her lamb, and turkey. this dr was just so absolutely ridiculous! (maybe that was why whenever we were there, there were VERY few people in the waiting room! LOL)and needless to say, we weren't patients for long!
just go slow, and use common sense. if there is a known family allergy to something, by all means, i'd avoid that food, completely for awhile.
take care, and good luck.