We had the same problem too. Our son is now 1 year old, and is a commando crawler (pulling himself along with his arms) and and a bum shuffler. I'm glad he's doing some form of crawling, as its meant to be better for their spacial awareness. He wouldn't have done that if I hadn't perservered with putting him on his tummy. When he was that age, and didn't like tummy time, I used to play with him on the bed. He quite likes a bit of 'rough' play, when you roll him back and forth, and make it a game. So when your daughter rolls onto her tummy, rolling her back and laughing, tickling her, nuzzling her body with your face etc - and just generally rolling her all around so its fun. Also, if there's an object that you've found your daughter really likes to reach for - maybe something she shouldn't always have - try placing her on her back, and putting the object up above her head - so she has to reach up and around to get it, which is how they turn onto their tummy. But, because she's turned on purpose, to get something she likes, maybe she'll think its more fun? Perhaps praise her achievements as well, really tell her what a good, big strong girl she is, in your best gushy voice. Good luck, and perservere - its worth it for their development!