You're dating a great've talked about marriage a little bit, sometime in the future, you're falling more in love but want to take things slow, figure out if he's really the 'one' and if you can do this for a lifetime. Then one day, out of the blue, he asks you to marry him. Every hour. He calls, he texts, he emails. He's driving you bananas. Will you marry me, will you marry me, will you marry me??? He's gotten to the point of harassment, leaving rings wherever you go, promising you lavish vacations if you just marry him already!! What do you do? Run for the hills, of course. Why all of the sudden would he go nuts about marriage when things were moving along so nicely?
Now put yourself in your childs shoes in the context of potty training. He's learning about the potty. How does it work, how does he get ready to go aka, getting pants off, sitting, thinking about going, wiping, etc. Does he need someone to say, go potty! go potty! go potty! Without allowing him the time to work things out for himself. Its a lot to think about and remember and its a lot easier done in very small stages with no pressure, gentle guidance, but not force. Is this something he can do himself? Is he ready? Those are the things he's considering.
Getting worked up, pressuring, tricking, and going through all the contortions of getting him to go on the potty (especially when he's not even 3!) just makes the road a whole lot rougher for both of you.
Try and look at things from his perspective a little. And remember its his body to control. GL.