Even though you feel uncomfortable talking about this, please know that you are experiencing something that so many women have been through as well. Being a mother for the first time is really hard. More is expected of you than has ever been and there is a Hallmark sentiment attached to motherhood in our society that cannot be acheived every moment of every day. Please talk about this with your doctor. There are medications that can be prescribed that will NOT transfer to breast milk and are safe for your baby while you are breastfeeding. Although this is a very challenging time, you should do all you can to savor and enjoy it. There is a light at the end of this tunnel, and you will see in time, that your life isn't over...but only begining. I was there once too...many, many years ago. No one tells you about this side of motherhood. You're not alone and feeling this way is (unfortunately) pretty normal. Talk to your doctor, watch your diet, get out in the sunlight (even though you're beyond tired ~ it will help). Good luck to you and congratulations on your new little baby.