Oh, S., I feel your pain! My daughter was doing the same thing and I talked to my doctor and he recommended the Supernanny Method, which is what you were doing ~ putting him back to bed without talking. Like your son, my daughter would just not give in. We tried that for 3 nights and each night it was an hour of my husband walking her back to bed. On the third night she fell over the bed rail onto her head so we stopped that. Then we tried a second method that my doctor recommended which was to put a chair next to her bed and stay there until she falls asleep, but don't talk. Every couple of days move the chair further away from the bed until it is at the door and by then your child should be okay with you not being in the room. I did it over a period of two months, but my daughter completely wigged out when I was too far away from her. So, now I just lay with her until she falls asleep. Usually, she is asleep within 10 minutes so it's not a big deal. We don't have any other children to put to bed (nor will we ever since she is going to be an only), so I really don't mind. It sounds like your son is very strong-willed like my daughter! Anyway, maybe try the chair next to the bed and see it that works and if not you or your husband might consider lying with him until he falls asleep. Good luck ~ I know how frustrating it can be.