If you are a book reader I recommend "Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline." :) 3 is not easy.
I have a 3 year old son and he is going through the WORST phase right now. It seems that all day long he just wants to keep puching my buttons. He does things that he knows that he is not supposed to do and if I tell him no to something he will start to cry. I try to be as consistent as possible with the rules so that he will realize that I am not going to allow him to change my mind when he whines or cries. I just feel that lately all I do is yell and put him in time-out and that is not the mom that I want to be.
If you are a book reader I recommend "Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline." :) 3 is not easy.
Let me tell you, it does get better. My son thankfully is now 6 and life is much better. Three is just not a lot of fun. I think it is a time of struggle for the kids because they aren't babies anymore, they want more control over their lives. I gave my son tons of choices, so he felt in control. Do you want to put your pant on first or your shirt. He's still getting dressed (what you want), but he's still in control, which is what he wants. I made all the little stuff a choice, which cup to drink out of, what he wanted for snack, just be sure to give choices of things you want him to do. If it's nap time and he's throwing a fit, ask, do you want to nap with your bear or your monkey, do you want your socks on or off, give him some control in a situation where he has none and while it wears you out thinking of the choices, it does help, then they turn four and you'll have a whole new set of problems :) Good luck.
i am going through the same thing with my 3yr old son and i have no clue on what to do either so if you get any good advice let me know my son does that to me he just pushes my buttons until im yelling also and im not the kind of person who yells at all i hate yelling ....but he knows what he's doing and how to do things he just starts whining about everything he wouldnt even stay w/my dad this weekend and he is really close w/my dad he started whining and said no i wanna go home w/my daddy and didnt want his sister to stay w/my parents either it was weird he throws the biggest fits ever and he just started this like 3wks ago......so if i find anything that helps ill sure let you know
M.: There is an all natural product called limu
or www.thelimucompany.com dist ####-###-####
This is a Great tasting mango - papya drink with 77 vit & minerals and it helps your child to just feel better and make better decisions.
Pat DeMossRN
Research found at www.pubmed.org keyword Fucoidan
Everyone has heard of the terrible twos right? well for some strange reason no one ever tells us that the terrible threes are just around the corner. I kid you not the day my kids each turned three there was a dramatic change. I personally think it is that they are just testing their limits and ours. I said the same thing though I don't want to be the mom that constantly yells and puts her kids in time out so I came up with alternative ideas. My favorite was the "toy time out box" if either one of my kids did not pick up their toys when I asked them too ( I will only ask once) that toy went into time out in plain sight for two days. That drove them nuts but they started picking up their toys within two weeks. We also told them that our ears could not hear whining and we just ignored them, the whining was cut down tremendously. I also had them help make a rule chart that hangs on my fridge still and they got to choose some rules to be put on there and whenever they complained about it we would say, hey you made the rule so you should follow it don't you think and they would. Good luck and just remember that he will grow out of it and by the time he is into his fretfull fours you will not remember the threes :)
Hi M.!
That is exactly how it happened to me. I never had terrible "twos", I had terrible "threes". I think your efforts of consistentency is your best approach. Also, I had to learn to pick my battles with the kids. Otherwise, we were constantly butting heads. I found alot of the times, choices is what worked best. ie; dinner, lunch, clothes, toys, etc... So long as I gave them a couple of choices, it typically would help with the tantrums, and all the other fun three year old stuff. :)
You'll make it! I promise!