Why is she screaming? Is she having pain? Nightmares? Insomnia? If she is able to communicate to you why she wakes and is so upset you will be on the road to finding a solution-it's rather futile (not to mention exhausting and frustrating) to try random treatments for a problem that you cannot identify. If she's having nightmares or is otherwise scared, you might try giving her a tool to empower her. She might need a special doll that will protect her, a prayer to say, or a song to sing. (I really love the VeggieTales "Where's God when I'm Scared?" DVD...you might try watching that with her). It's so difficult to deal with fear (especially in children) since fear usually isn't based in logic, and so you can't reason it away. Just try talking to your daughter about what is going on. If she does express fears to you, validate her feelings--no matter how silly they may seem to you. She needs your support to get through this. Good luck :)