I have a twelve month old that ran a fever for four days (sometimes as high as 104)with no other symptoms. She was put on an antibiotic just in case. Then she developed a rash. I was afraid it was the antibiotic, so we went back to the doctor. It turns out, she has roseola which is a viral infection and is spread through droplet (cough, sneeze, etc.)contact. Apparently, the only serious aspect of it is the fever if it gets too high. My doctor said the virus lasts about a week, but not all kids will show up with a rash, just the fever. My doctor gave me info from Mayoclinic.com which was really helpful. Maybe this is a possible reason for your childrens' fever. Hope this helps. Sorry, didn't read your update! My daughter had red ears also, so initially we thought ear infections but then the rash turned up. Anyway, glad it all worked out!