Hi R.!
Yes, pumping is a lot of hard work, I did it for seven months. But you can do it! Some tips that worked for me was that as long as you didn't have a preemie or a baby that requires sterilization of bottles, you don't have to sterilize or even wash the pump parts every time you pump. I would wash the parts once every other day. As long as you have access to a fridge, I would just put the parts in a ziploc type bag and put them in the fridge. That saves on a lot of time! Buy a bustier pumping bra. I LOVED mine, it was a lifesaver. That left my hands free and I spent a lot of my pumping time on the internet! You can pump and feed your baby at the same time - I did this in the middle of the night. You can use your Boppy pillow or a bouncy seat.
Don't let anyone make you feel bad because you aren't nursing. My baby is happy and healthy - he was sleeping through the night 8 hours or more before two months of age. We have a wonderful bond. And if you decide not to pump, don't feel badly either. I know plenty of breastfed babies who are sick more than formula fed babies. And besides, by kindergarten, do people know which kids were breastfed, and which were formula fed - NO!
And it's also great to pump because then your hubby can help out with feedings. What got me through the pumping was that I first told myself if after four weeks it was still too much work for me, I could stop. Then it went to two months, then three...then by seven months I was down to pumping only once a day for an hour, and my supply started to decrease down to where I was only pumping about four ounces total. Then I stopped pumping 'cold turkey' and never had any engorgement issues. It was really nice! If you have any other questions, let me know. I'd be happy to help!
Oh - if you haven't bought a pump yet, you can rent a hospital grade one. That will bring in your milk supply faster, and if you decide it doesn't work for you, you're not out a ton of money. There is a cordless pump now, I would highly recommend that one - it would make pumping even easier! Good luck, and congrats on your baby boy!
I spent the extra money on the Lansinoh - the bags held up really well. I tried other storage bags, and freezer bags, and they would always leak. I stored several bags in a gallon size freezer bag and date them and it was easy to store that way in the freezer. Your milk also changes over time and does become more fatty (mine did anyway). So I would use a bag or two of frozen milk everyday and freeze more fresh milk everyday. If you have way too much frozen milk, there are places where you can donate it.