Help with Creative Idea of Dispaying Cards

Updated on December 10, 2010
S.D. asks from Peoria, AZ
4 answers

I have paper cards from kids for a teacher . How can I display them. they are home-made. Was thinking of putting them into a album with a sleeve....but not spending time for scrapbooking. any other thoughts ?

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answers from Anchorage on

I am not sure if you are looking for a way to permanently save them? If so a scrapbook would probably be best. If not, what I do it staple all mine to a long ribbon I have hooked to the wall. At the end of the season I just toss the whole thing.

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answers from Flagstaff on

If this is a temporary display, I would hang them on a string/colorful ribbon. You can use clothespins or punch holes and let dangle.
You could get a vase, have the kids collect thin sticks, arrange with some colored rocks in the bottom, hang cards by using ribbons.

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answers from Kansas City on

If you want a keepsake, put them in a journal-type book, glue one per page by the back so teacher can open and read each one. It can be a 'coffee table' book for the season, and maybe be able to add to it over the years.

If displaying all of them out, make a tree or wreath out of them. Don't forget to put the year on it somewhere in case teacher saves it.


answers from Austin on

I was going to suggest hole punch the top corner ans use a ribbon to gather them.

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